Saturday, December 31, 2022

Goodbye 2022

     2022 was a bit of a roller coaster. Bought a house. Got a cat. Our sweet Reggie passed on. Got a new dog. Started working again for the first time in a decade. Started writing again and became part of a really exciting new project. I guess more highs than lows, but still, it was a LOT. 

    I don't tend to get overly excited about New Year's Eve. It all seems really arbitrary to me. It's just a day. I don't do resolutions. I tend to make changes when they feel right. We don't go out. Neither of us really drink much at this point. We'll probably watch a movie and be in bed by 11.

    12 years ago tonight, we were on a plane with all our worldly possessions packed into a few suitcases.  In the middle of the night, somewhere over the Atlantic, the Virgin air crew announced it was New Year's and we all had a toast. It was January 1st when we landed in London and I started my new life here in the U.K. That's probably the most important NYE of my life, honestly. 

    Anyways, I hope you're all having fun safely tonight, celebrating however you like. Thanks for reading, and see you next year.

S N Humphreys

Monday, December 19, 2022

Big news, Exciting times!

        Today started off a bit rough. Up at 4 a.m., unfortunately, (not by choice). But things quickly got better as I had a chat and found out I was being promoted to Senior Staff Writer over at Double Feature magazine. Instant pick-me-up.

    Speaking of Double Feature, have you ordered your copy of Issue 1 Mondo Apocalypto yet? If not, WHY NOT? Come get your fill of filth and terror RIGHT HERE! I'll be providing stories for the next three issues, so stay tuned if you've been waiting for me to get back in the saddle, so to speak.

    In other news, I have one more day of work left in 2022! Always exciting. I'm looking forward to lay ins and lots of time to write. Hope you're all enjoying your whatever you celebrate. Thanks for reading.

S N Humphreys

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Forgot to name this one

     Well, winter has well and truly arrived. The temperature hovers around 0, everything is covered in frost, and tonight it is even snowing a bit. I doubt it will stick much, but it's still snow. 

    I went to town today and bought a hot chocolate and some long sleeved shirts as I realised I don't own any that aren't jumpers or cardigans. I bought Jim's mum some warm socks, and I walked along the cliffs. It was both sunny and foggy, which is an odd combination. I find I don't mind the cold so much when I'm bundled up warmly. I spent the day walking along, The Smiths playing through my headphones. It was all a pleasant enough way to spend a Sunday.

    This evening Jim and the kids taught me to play Rummy and  I won. So, that was fun. Did a bit of writing, a bit of reading, and a lot of laundry. Hopefully everyone sleeps well tonight. I don't really fancy another 4 am wake up. I'd like to start the week off well rested, if possible.

     All our gifts are bought and wrapped, so now it’s just the wait for Christmas. The kids are excited, and honestly, so am I. Hope you’ve all enjoyed your weekend. Here’s a picture of the sun over the foggy sea from midday.

S N Humphreys 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

An Early Riser

         I am NOT a morning person. I never have been. But I have become an early riser. There is this only-child/night owl inside me that craves a bit of quiet alone time in the darkness. The only time I can seem to get that is at 5 am, so here we are. I wake up so many times during the night, it's just about choosing the right one to get up at.

    So here I sit, jasmine green tea to hand, watching the cat and dog chase each other. Did you know the moon is full this morning? I rarely catch a full moon these days. It looks amazing but when you take a picture it looks like a headlight. 

Anyway, thanks for sharing a bit of my morning.

S N Humphreys

Sunday, December 4, 2022

A Little Taste of Things to Come (eventually)

 Make the words

Jangle and clang


Just like my thoughts

All a jumble

Falling and twisting and turning as 

they tumble


into place.

What place?

This place,

As much a mystery to me

As it is to you,

Dear reader.

Now isn’t that something?

I would give you a map,

If only I had one.

One doesn’t know


Well enough to give out directions,

Except in the well traveled places.

The sites of self sabotage

The deep dark spaces

These I know 

I will describe the topography so well

You will think you are there,

Tasting the air and

Touching the soil.

And oh my is it fertile 

That soil.

If only my hopes 

Grew as strong and sturdy as

My fears, my disbelief, and

My imposter syndrome

Then the bones of my dreams

Could hold up my world.

Friday, December 2, 2022

The Process

     Well, that's one very very very VERY rough draft completed. Over the next week or two I will tweak and rewrite and just generally go to town on it. Hopefully by the time I'm done I will have fleshed out the idea into a story worth reading. Hopefully.

    In other news, It's December! I am not a Christmas person until December rolls around, but then I'm pretty stoked on it. Our shopping is done, just waiting for the last few bits to get here so I can wrap them up. We can't put anything under the tree until Xmas eve though, as there is every chance the dog will wee all over our gifts. So for now, they stay piled up in various impossible to wee on places.  Anyway, here's a picture of our little trouble maker. Hope you're all enjoying your holiday season, whatever holidays you happen to observe.

S N Humphreys

Where you been?

     Eighteen days since I lasted posted. WHOOPS. Sorry about that. It's the burrowing, hibernating times. January is hard for me, usual...