Friday, December 2, 2022

The Process

     Well, that's one very very very VERY rough draft completed. Over the next week or two I will tweak and rewrite and just generally go to town on it. Hopefully by the time I'm done I will have fleshed out the idea into a story worth reading. Hopefully.

    In other news, It's December! I am not a Christmas person until December rolls around, but then I'm pretty stoked on it. Our shopping is done, just waiting for the last few bits to get here so I can wrap them up. We can't put anything under the tree until Xmas eve though, as there is every chance the dog will wee all over our gifts. So for now, they stay piled up in various impossible to wee on places.  Anyway, here's a picture of our little trouble maker. Hope you're all enjoying your holiday season, whatever holidays you happen to observe.

S N Humphreys

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Where you been?

     Eighteen days since I lasted posted. WHOOPS. Sorry about that. It's the burrowing, hibernating times. January is hard for me, usual...