Sunday, November 27, 2022

Double Feature is launching!

     I promised you more deets on Double Feature and I'm happy to share that our launch date for issue 1 is 16th December 2022. You are just a couple of weeks away from mind bending and horrific tales, served to you in drive-in DOUBLE FEATURE style, but on the page, of course. Buckle up kids, it's gonna be lit.

    If you're wondering about my short, it's called Have The Day You Deserve, and will be in Issue 2, coming next Spring. I'm currently working on a story for the annual issue. More about that when the time comes.

    In any case, you can check out the Ascendant Publishing website for even more info. You can even find me on there. It's still a work in progress, but I'm sure the 12 people who read this will forgive us.

    So there you have it, hope you're all having a great weekend.

S N Humphreys

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Today is the Greatest

     Sorry about the title. I couldn't help myself, the song is stuck in my head. Onwards.

    Today started off with a bang. Straight out of the gate I was working on edits, all of which were fantastic and definitely made my piece better. I have never been edited before, so that was a new experience which I thoroughly enjoyed. I wish I had an editor for EVERYTHING now.

    My actual job is going really really well. So much better than I ever expected. I was never the sort of person who dreamed of working as... well, anything, really. Other than the writing thing, there wasn't anything I wanted to do. So I was a stay at home mum for the better part of 20 years, with the occasional part time job lasting for a few months, half a year. But now my youngest is getting ready to start secondary school, and working seemed better than sitting at home slowly driving myself mad with nothing much to do. So I took a chance and applied for a little part time work.

    It has turned into one of the most fulfilling things I've ever done. 

    And, they're giving me more hours and responsibilities. Which makes me feel like I'm doing something right. So that's brilliant. 

    And that's it, really. My days went from being empty to being very, VERY full. Work, and writing, writing and work, plus family, family, family. I have never been so busy, or so happy. It's funny, isn't it, how things seem to work out that way. 

    Anyway, that's all I've got for you today. Thanks for listening.

S N Humphreys

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Double Feature is coming soon

    Double Feature is going to be a really cool horror anthology type magazine coming out quarterly. I am currently working on a short for issue 2 and more to come. It’s very exciting and we’ve got a really strong bunch of staff writers and art director and hopefully things will go as well as they should. It’s going to be terrible and gory and absolutely disturbing. So, if that appeals to you, STAY TUNED. I will let you all know as soon as issue 1 drops.

     Right, I’ve got to go check on my dinner (roast chicken and veg). You all stay cool.

S N Humphreys

Let's Try This Again.

         Well, here we are once again, another go at blogging. Assuming I can get this on a decent schedule, this will be my new home for communicating what is up with anyone out there who might be interested. And BOY is there a lot up to communicate. But let's start with getting this silly thing up and running. If I manage that much, we can go from there.

Where you been?

     Eighteen days since I lasted posted. WHOOPS. Sorry about that. It's the burrowing, hibernating times. January is hard for me, usual...